Anderfont is a Signature Font is a handwritten script font with a simple and classy style. This font is great for your next creative projects such as watermark on photography, signature or signature logo design, quotes, album cover, business card, and many other design project. From business cards to photo watermarks, Anderfont is here to elevate your work to the highest level.
Anderfont comes with uppercase letters, lowercase letters, lowercase alternative letters, numbers, punctuation, ligature and multi lingual support
What's inclued :
- Anderfont.otf
Please note :
To use alternative end text is just block end letters and select alternative letters on glyphs option.
It may be used in almost any program by using your Operating System’s utilities (CharacterMap for Windows and Font Book for Mac.), as well as Illustrator, Photoshop CC 2017 and several other applications.
Download Delpina Font Family From Vultype Co
August 23, 2019
Delpina is inspired by the vintage old American which has two styles, Clean and Rough also come with a lot alternative characters.
Made carefully to create the perfect texture and suitable for each of your projects also great for Logotype, Branding Design, Logo Design, Digital Lettering Arts, T-Shirt/Apparel, Poster, Magazine, Signs, Advertising Design, and any vintage design needs.
Software for use this font: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Word, Corel draw, inkscape).
Cheers !
Chandra - Vultype Co
Download Buryland Font Family From YdhraStudio
August 23, 2019
Buryland Font is Handmade Script, Sans, Serif inspired by Retro and Modern hand lettering style, so you can use this font into any style of your design.
Buryland Font has three styles for each font, Regular, Stamped, and Outline. Buryland Font also has a standard Multilingual Support.
With bonus illustration in this package, this fonts are great for Logotype, Branding Design, Logo Design, Digital Lettering Arts, Instagram Design, T-Shirt/Apparel, Badge, Packaging, Poster, Magazine, Book Cover, Quotes, Signs, Advertising Design, and any design needs.
Buryland Font Features :
- Upper and Lowercase Standard Characters, Punctuation, Numerals
- OpenType Features such as Standard Ligatures, Discretionary Ligatures and Stylistic Set (ss01 – ss10)
- PUA Encoded Characters
- Fully accessible without additional design software.
- Includes a range of multilingual characters.
You can access all those alternate characters by using a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw X6-X7 or higher.
Guides to access all alternates glyphs :
Mix and match the alternate characters to add an attractive message to your design.
Need help?
Please, Feel free to contact me by e-mail for any question about my font,
Extended License document and more.
Good Luck and Have fun !
Download Wamm 01 SE Font Family From Wamm Typeface Design
Wamm 01SE is a serif typeface designed to respond to packaging, editorial and branding needs, for both print and digital touch-points.
It is contemporary and classic at the same time and the range of available styles makes it suitable for a large number of purpose.
The design is the sweet spot between personality and legibility: beautiful at headline size, perfectly readable at body copy size.
The low contrast and the small serifs render perfectly on screen at a reasonable small size, in a reasonable weight.
Download ChiQuel Font Family From 38-lineart
August 23, 2019
ChiQuel is a vintage serif font consisting of 7 layers, namely; regular solid, Outline, Drop Shadow, Extrude light, Extrude dark, Inner shadow and texture. the combination of layers and the right colour saturation selection presents a very neat 3D dimension. Regular and outline fonts can stand alone so this font allows for more stylish designs. We designed this font to create logos, product branding, and craft. The combination and typography presentation techniques make this font like a chameleon that can change the style, classic style, classy, elegant, modern, gothic and vintage. Look at some of the preview images that we made, hopefully, they can be your reference in the design please see the video link:
Download Brightsun Font Family From Jroh Creative
Introducing Brightsun. This font was created to help you designing logotype or lettering style logo for your Brand or your clients, and you also can use it for designing all of the graphic stuff such as badge, sign, packaging, headline, title, T-shirt/apparel, Poster, etc.
Brightsun was designed for personal characters such as strong, confidence, dynamic, readable, energic, dynamic, etc. Strengthen Typeface containing 443 Glyphs with 241 alternative characters to help you create an authentic lettering style.
You can get all the glyphs by The Glyphs Panel. Available for:
- Adobe Illustrator,
- Adobe InDesign,
- Adobe Photoshop CC (latest version)
Support: If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact
Thanks for loving our items :)
Download Palestra Font Family From Larin Type Co
Palestra - a modern sans serif font in four style : Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold italic.
In this font, I can see many alternatives for the lowercase and most common ligatures that fit perfectly with this font style. This font can look more classic without serifs and more expressive with alternative substitutes, try to play with them and you will get the uniqueness in your project. All characters in this font are PUA-encoded.
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